Wednesday, November 2, 2011


I walked across my district, eyes cast to the ground. The Hunger Games were almost here: two months, eight weeks, sixty-one days, and one thousand, four hundred, sixty four hours.
It was all happening too fast.
President Kaine had announced for the district tributes to meet together. He said over television that he was too excited for the upcoming Hunger Games, and told our districts to pick the tributes earlier.

Only seven tributes were chosen so far, or the others made a suicide attempt when they found out they were chosen. Either way, only seven showed up at the designated place.
We stood there, face to face, in complete silence, the sun just rising over the horizon.
Did I mention it was 5:45 in the morning?

President Kaine appeared behind a few trees, brushing dirt off of his coat as he looked up and greeted us. "Welcome, tributes." He blinked as he did a mental head count. "Where are the others?"
No one answered.
Kaine cleared his throat. "Well, no matter. I brought you here this morning so you can practice your fighting skills before the Hunger Games and form alliances. We eliminated that part of the Hunger Games so we could do it here."
I glared at him, wanting to impale him with one of my knives. The others looked as if they were having the same thoughts.
"I have a meeting I have to attend now." He bowed dramatically, earning a scoff from me. "Weapons are to your right, and...try not to kill each other before the Hunger Games." He winked, then made his way back.


(I know it's not a very good first post...but continue?)